At Parkdale Montessori School, we offer extended care programs. Parents can either choose to register their child in precare, aftercare, or both programs depending on their family needs. We offer enrichment programs each day in aftercare.


Toddlers: 8:00 – 8:45 am
Casa: 8:00 – 8:30 am

Our precare program meets the needs of families who have to work early. The doors open at 8:00 am. Upon arrival in the precare room, the children are offered the opportunity to play with a wide assortment of constructive toys and games.


Toddlers: 3:15 – 5:15 pm 
Casa: 3:30 – 5:15 pm

During aftercare, the children play outside in our playgrounds. If the weather is inclement, the children remain inside the aftercare room, where they have the opportunity to play with a large selection of toys and games for their enjoyment.

Enrichment Activities

In aftercare, students have the option to participate in a wide variety of fun and stimulating enrichment activities such as puppet making, jewelry making, dance, yoga, music, arts and craft.
